Ensayos IMD Business School

17,95 24,95  IVA no incluido

Una parte fundamental de la solicitud a una escuela de negocios es la realización de ensayos. ¿Cuáles son tus metas profesionales? ¿Cuándo has demostrado capacidad de liderazgo? Si te gustaría saber qué tipo de ensayos escribieron los estudiantes admitidos… ¡Ahora tienes la oportunidad! (más información sobre cada producto en descripción).


Nota: Para usuarios de la Unión Europea, hay que añadir IVA al precio final

Descripción Estudiante 1

El producto incluye los 9 ensayos de la solicitud:

    • «What do you consider to be your single most important achievement and why?
    • Please comment on a situation where your leadership skills proved to be inadequate and what you learned.
    • IMD develops global leaders…what does global leadership mean to you?
    • Give us four bullet points that clearly differentiate you, that identify your unique contributions to the program.
    • Give an example of the most unexpected thing that you’ve ever learned.
    • For people who are planning to consider new jobs and/or organizations after the MBA: Please give us your short term career goal post-MBA. Which function, industry and geography do you see yourself working in? Are these changes for you, and, if so, why? How will you approach your job search?
    • Is there any additional information that is critical for the Admissions Committee to know which has not been covered elsewhere in this application? (Optional essay).
    • How do you intend to finance your MBA at IMD? What would your budget be?
    • Responsibilities: Firstly please give us a two-line description of the nature of your business. Then summarize briefly and concisely the nature and scope of your job, your overall responsibilities, and where appropriate, the number of staff you supervise, and the US dollar value of physical and financial resources for which you are accountable. Please make it clear to the Admissions Committee what you feel you have contributed to your company and give examples of any significant results, as well as relevant international exposure.

Perfil del estudiante admitido:

    • Nacionalidad: Española
    • Sexo: Masculino
    • Estudios previos: Ingeniería
    • Experiencia profesional previa:  Ingeniería, economía y gestión de empresas
    • GMAT: 680-700

Descripción Estudiante 2

El producto incluye los 12 ensayos de la solicitud:

    • «Position sought after graduation» essay (Please give us your short term career goal post MBA (up to 5 years). Describe how the IMD MBA will help you achieve this goal and how you will approach your job search.)
    • IMD «Most important achievement» essay (What do you consider to be your single most important achievement and why?)
    • Two situations of importance to you
    • Failure to reach objective
    • Leadership
    • Describe yourself
    • International Exposure
    • Differentiators
    • Alternatives
    • Finance
    • Disability / illness
    • Additional Information

Perfil del estudiante admitido:

    • Nacionalidad: Española
    • Sexo: Masculino
    • Estudios previos: Ingeniería
    • Experiencia profesional previa: Ingeniería
    • GMAT: 670-710


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